Posts Tagged ‘Post-Coital Sadness’

One of the women

Posted: November 25, 2012 by chocolatesandmedicines in Uncategorized
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This post is about a woman who just had sex.


We were talking on the bed while having rest. He told me about the things that he hates and the things that he’s not into, but not hate. I noticed that we have a lot of things in common, and I like the fact that we can talk, eat and have some drinks when we get tired. You know, a guy who wouldn’t care to talk to you is definitely NOT THE ONE.

We’re not lovers, we’re actually close friends. I like what he’s doing to me.. I’m on it. The pleasure being with him is undeniable. We can talk about random things, not just about sex. He can even look into my eyes, not just focus on my body. We laugh together.. you know, we get along so well.

The problem is ME. It happens most of the time, you know. I have this tantrums, it usually happens after sex. I feel lonely, depressed, even alone, sometimes. I feel like I’m not enough, low and not sexy. I don’t know.

Am I weird?